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Each person has particular and different needs. However, it is common in our society to be framed in models, groups or patterns. We realize that this standardization is not always adjusted to our needs. Faced with this reality and because there are people who prefer private classes, Just Yoga Studio offers a highly individualized work, through private classes, where all the work of body alignment and mental attitude is personalized, so that you can get the most out of your practice .

What does an individual class consist of?


It's a personalized class. A oriented lesson plan is defined to contemplate one or more objectives, defined under diagnosis.


Why choose an individual lesson?


- Want to develop specific skills and deepen knowledge of Yoga;

- Intends to learn the basics of practice in some classes to later more confidently integrate group classes;

- Does not have a schedule compatible with group classes;

- Does not like groups and prefers the calm and tranquility of individual classes;

Online or in person

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© Just Yoga Studio ,All rights reserved.

Website design and implementation:TRADI

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